How to Pay Your Subscription
If you paid by Direct Debit in 2024, you do not need to do anything further. For those wishing to create a new mandate this for the annual option can be access via your invoice, and clicking on the 'card' icon in the bottom left corner. If you wish to pay via quarterly or monthly please contact [email protected] as your invoice will need to be re-issued.
Credit/Debit Card - Pay your subscription annually by Credit/Debit Card - You can use the payment option on your renewal notification and clicking on the 'card' icon in the bottom left corner to make an online payment.
Cheque or Postal Order - Pay your subscription annually by mailing your cheque or postal order (made payable to “Chartered Trading Standards Institute” and quote your six-digit invoice number on the reverse) to the Institute head office. Alternatively, you can pay by BACS using the information provided on your invoice. You will need to quote your six-digit invoice number as an identifier. Under current working conditions BACS payments would be preferable. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Contact details
If you wish to discuss any of these payment methods please contact CTSI on 01268 582 228 or via email [email protected].
Other Forms – If you pay your subscription yourself, did you know you can claim Tax Relief on your membership subscription? Please download the Tax Relief form (below) and send this to your local Tax office; you can claim up to four years payments. Information on past payments made can be obtained by contacting [email protected]. Please note Student and Retired members cannot claim Tax Relief on their subscriptions.
If your authority is paying for your membership please download the appropriate form from our related resources section below.
Do we have your current email address? Make sure you aren't missing out on Institute correspondence. Update your contact details online via the CTSI website, alternatively please Member Services via email: [email protected] in order to update any of your details.
General Data Protection Regulations (G.D.P.R)
The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) will use the information provided solely for the purpose of providing membership services and fulfilling our obligations to the Charter, Bye-Laws Regulations and regulatory requirements. This information will only be shared as appropriate with the Branch membership network.
If you require any further details in relation to data protection including your rights and subject access requests please contact member services or visit the following page: https://www.tradingstandards.uk/privacy-policy/